Be clear on the goal of your organisation
One of the most useful things to get clear about as your team grows is the goal of your organisation.
I use the word ‘goal’ deliberately because I think there’s a helpful sporting analogy here.
Think of a team ball game. Pick any one you like — it could be netball, korfball, or (my dad’s favourite) Rugby League. Whatever the game, there’s a lot going on when a match is in progress, and it’s interesting stuff, it keeps the players and the audience engaged. Although many different elements have to come together, there is one clearly defined purpose that all those elements are serving. The measure of success is easy to grasp. Different team members have different parts to play, but they’re all contributing to the same effort to get the ball into the net and/or across the line.
What is the ‘ball in the back of the net’ for your organisation? What is the thing that everybody’s work serves?
If you can tell people that, not only will help them stay engaged you’ll give them the freedom to be creative in finding more (newer, better, quicker…) ways to reach the goal than you’d considered.
This is not a ‘set and forget’ activity that you do once and then you’re done. Your mission and values require regular review, because things change. Even when your goal stays the same, you need to help people stay in touch with it. The on-going activity of leadership is to keep the memory of the goal alive in your company.